Verline Gee
From the moment The Center opens, we want the senior space to be vibrant with the stories of our Black senior excellence and programming that will connect Black elders with people of all ages, while also connecting to each other for joy and purpose during their golden years. In honor of mom’s story, we want to grow the $30,000 already generously donated by 70 people in tribute to Mom (WOW!) to raise $500,000 to build the senior space and programming. As a special gift, we are offering a copy of Mom‘s book of poetry to everyone who contributes
$1,000 or more
In Honor of Ms. Verline Gee (1939 – 2024) and our community's Black elders

In early January, we lost our matriarch and mentor, Ms. Verline Gee. Verline served the Madison community for decades as a mentor for current leaders during their youth, social worker, poet, published author, family therapist, faith community leader, and most importantly, as a mother and grandmother. Our mother and many of her peers have been vital pillars of our Black community for decades, sharing our history, nurturing our leadership, and helping us find our own paths towards excellence. There is no Black excellence without Black seniors to nurture and encourage excellence among younger Black generations.
We’re so moved and encouraged by all of you who have shared stories about mom, donated in her honor, and have shared a wish to have known this inspiring lady. Imagine the impact if mom had a central place like The Center to connect with even more Black people and the greater community to share her wisdom, strength, and experiences? Now more than ever, we’ve been reminded that our commitment to a senior center within The Center for Black Excellence and Culture. This is an essential opportunity to connect all of us with the wise, resilient Black elders still among us, who have led extraordinary lives.
In honor of Mom’s story, we want to grow the $30,000 already generously donated by 70 people in tribute to Mom (WOW!) to raise $500,000 to build the senior space and programming. As a special gift, we are offering a copy of Mom's book of poetry to everyone who contributes $1,000 or more. From the moment The Center opens, we want the senior space to be vibrant with the stories of our Black senior excellence and programming that will connect Black elders with people of all ages, while also connecting to each other for joy and purpose during their golden years. By raising these funds, we will be able to name this special space the Verline Gee Senior Center and develop programming to launch it.
Mom’s peers are too precious to wait another moment to advance The Verline Gee Senior Center. Please consider a gift in honor of our mom and all of our Black seniors who have much to share and celebrate.
Alex Gee, Lilada Gee, and the entire Gee family